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- Salle Fourvière
Cybercrime: how to curb the epidemic?
Published at the beginning of the year by ANSSI, the “Panorama de la Cybermenace 2023” reported a very significant upsurge in security events last year (+18.5% compared to 2022). Strategic and industrial espionage reached a new level, with think tanks, research institutes and companies in the defense technological and industrial base increasingly targeted. Attacks for profit have increased by 30% compared to 2022, with VSEs, SMEs and local authorities the main targets, as well as a trend towards ransomware based exclusively on data exfiltration (without ransomware deployment), which was confirmed in 2023 as part of massive campaigns. From raising public awareness to adopting enhanced security practices, via the development of new protection technologies, how can we increase our response capabilities and resilience, in an attempt to stem the epidemic?
Mathieu DELAPLACE - Digital Security Delegate for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region - ANSSI
Philippe MALAVAL - President - ENE
Alexandre MARGUERITE - Co-founder & managing director - Devensys Cybersecurity
Speaker LYON CYBER EXPO - Cyber Expert Coordinator - DGSI
Rémi GRIVEL - President - CLUSIR Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Salle Fourvière
Security by design: integrating IoT cybersecurity from design to operation
The cybersecurity of connected systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer an option to be dealt with at the end of a project. The European Union has amended its Radio Equipment Directive (RED) and, above all, adopted the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), which imposes security obligations on manufacturers, importers and distributors, when selling connected products. In this increasingly demanding and constrained legislative and regulatory context, the cyber aspect of IoTs must be taken into account right from the design phases, to guarantee cyber-secure operation throughout the system's life.
Jean-Christophe MARPEAU - Consulting engineer - Cap'Tronic
Eddy HUYNH - Technical manager of Cybersecurity Testing - LCIE Bureau Véritas
Michael GRAND - President - TrustnGo
Jérémy GOMA - Information Security Officer - Décathlon Digital
- Salle Fourvière
Industrial cybersecurity: how to secure your production facilities?
Every company operating industrial systems is faced with the complexity of maintaining the cybersecurity requirements of existing and future facilities. The growing interconnection of critical systems, equipped with components whose resistance to attack is often low or non-existent, forces companies to develop a global protection strategy to preserve plant availability with cyber-resilience mechanisms. Knowledge of field components, communications between industrial network zones, and relationships with other equipment on the company network and sometimes beyond, can be facilitated by the deployment of specialized detection tools, combined with cybersecurity expertise specific to the industrial environment. In this context, Orange Cyberdefense and its partner Nozomi Networks will be presenting their approach to helping companies implement solutions for discovering and monitoring production environments.
Louis LAMBERTOD - Technical Sales Engineer - Nozomi Networks
Vincent CHARTIER - OT Security Presales Engineer - Orange Cyberdefense
- Auditorium Confluence
Artificial intelligence and Cybersecurity: advantage for attack or defence?
The exceptional emergence of the uses of artificial intelligence, particularly generative intelligence, raises profound questions about the consequences for corporate cybersecurity. This technology and its widespread deployment represent a threat in strategic, defensive and data management terms, but also a tremendous opportunity to build new defense concepts and to train employees and support companies towards a satisfactory level of cyber maturity. So can AI enable cyber defense to overtake cyber-attack?
Florent KIRCHNER - Director Digital Policy - Secrétariat Général pour l'Investissement / France 2030
Nolwenn LE STER - Director of operations / Chair of the Cybersecurity Commission - Almond / Numeum
Paul DOMINJON - Director of Cybersecurity Solutions - Microsoft
Jean-Luc DECOLLE - Group Vice President – Digital Transformation & Information Technology Delivery & Operations - STMicroelectronics
Aude FOLCHER - CISOaaS - CEFCYS South Region Representative - CEFCYS
Virol GAUTIER - Journalist - Head of Web - L'Usine Nouvelle
- Salle Fourvière
How to deploy a device-to-cloud security strategy?
Secure data sharing is a major challenge for the vast majority of companies seeking to protect their information while collaborating with external partners. What are the possible solutions for managing the cybersecurity of connected industrial systems, which are by nature evolving and heterogeneous, while remaining flexible? The participants in this round table will share with you the issues involved in securing industrial sites that have been studied and implemented, in particular zero-touch onboarding (ZTO) solutions, as part of the OTPaaS project aimed at secure IT/OT convergence.
Jean-Christophe MARPEAU - Consulting engineer - Cap'Tronic
Thierry ROUQUET - Vice-President - Digital League
Sébastien DEFRANCE - Lead Tech - Eviden
Jean-Philippe FASSINO - Cyber-Security, Distinguished Architect - Schneider Electric
- Salle Jacobins
Cybersecurity of industrial systems: detection of process-oriented attacks
We are interested in detecting attacks that explicitly target the safety of the physical process being controlled. Among known security events, Stuxnet, Industroyer or Unitronics are examples of process-oriented attacks. Generally, such attacks are difficult to detect because they do not violate the syntax or semantics of communication protocols, are characterised by weak signals (a few frames) and the malicious character is determined in relation to the state of the physical process. We present our detection approaches, their validation techniques and current limitations.
Stéphane MOCANU - Researcher - Senior lecturer - Grenoble INP / INRIA
- Salle Fourvière
How to become a resilient cyber player: from the ideal scenario to the perfect technological cast
We need to put an end to the conventional wisdom: “With a bit of luck, I'll get through it”. When it comes to cyber risk, hope is not a good strategy! It's imperative to realize that we are all players in cyber resilience, and that we need to adopt the right security posture, with the right tools and the right reflexes. But how can we move from awareness to action? In this session, Metsys and its partner publishers - Varonis, Mimecast, Quest, Qualys - answer the main questions raised by the cyber threats that will be making headlines in 2024. Based on the NIST framework and its six essential functions (identify, protect, detect, react, recover, govern) and the ANSSI's cyber hygiene guide, the experts taking part in this workshop will explain in concrete terms the right actions to apply, for each cyber pillar.
Hervé THIBAULT - Chief Strategy Officer - Metsys
Laurent LADREYT - France Sales Engineering - Mimecast
Regis ALIX - Senior Principal Solutions Architect - Quest
Charles DE LA GARDETTE - Director, Account Executives, - Qualys
Matthieu FAVREAU - Senior Sales Engineer - Varonis
- Salle Jacobins
Cyber Resilience Act: how to manage vulnerabilities in your products?
The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is a regulation by the European Union that ensures manufacturers develop and maintain secured equipment. This regulation imposes several requirements by 2027, including the management and remediation of product vulnerabilities throughout their lifecycle. In this workshop, we will help you better understand: what a vulnerability is, what the European authorities require from you, methods and best practices for effectively managing your product vulnerabilities, tools that can save you time.
Renaud DIDIER - EU Sales Director - Witekio
Pierre GAL - Head of Product - The Embedded Kit
Julien BERNET - Cybersecurity Director - Witekio
- Salle Carnot
How can Cyber services and solutions meet the challenges faced by SMEs in the face of cyber-attack risks?
With 50% of cyber-attacks targeting SMEs, and more than one in four SMEs victims of a cyber-attack, the challenge of security is no longer "when", but "how". While more than 80% of large organizations are equipped with EDR (evolution of AI-boosted anti-virus solutions), this rate falls to less than 25% for SMEs. So there's a big gap between the risk and the defense model. During this workshop, we'll be discussing the challenges faced by SMBs, and the solutions available to support these organizations through new 24/7 protection services.
Cédric SROUSSI - AS / R&D Services Director - TD Synnex
François-Xavier DELASSUS - IT Security Consultant - Advens
- Salle Fourvière
European NIS2 Directive: are you ready?
The NIS2 (Network and Information Security) Directive came into force at the beginning of 2023, and by October 2024 all EU member states will have to implement it as part of their national legislation. It significantly expands the scope of the 2016 NIS Directive, addressing a much wider range of industries (18 business sectors, 10,000 entities concerned in France, compared with 300 previously), to extend and strengthen cybersecurity requirements in the EU. This includes controlling third-party risks, streamlining reporting obligations and introducing strict enforcement requirements. In other words, the NIS 2 Directive requires a large number of organizations to put in place a comprehensive risk management framework. In the event of non-compliance, the regulator may then impose severe administrative sanctions and corrective measures. To comply, teams will need to put in place robust, rigorous and auditable workflows and technologies. In this round table, we'll give you a clear overview of the steps companies need to take to comply effectively with the NIS2 directive.
Antoine CAMUS - Cybersecurity Director - Minalogic
Mathieu DELAPLACE - Digital Security Delegate for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region - ANSSI
Ahoefa AGBESSI-AWUSSI - Information Security Compliance Manager - Cegid
Alexandre SAHUT - Cybersecurity Service Delivery Manager - Visiativ
- Salle Carnot
Detection and response technologies: transform your approach to cybersecurity!
When it comes to endpoint cybersecurity, the growing importance of EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) systems - which incorporate deep learning or machine learning to detect threats - is ever more prevalent. But beyond EDR technology, MDR (Managed Detection and Response) solutions - which include a proactive approach to threat hunting - contribute to advanced IT protection. The aim of this workshop is therefore to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the evolution and benefits of EDR and MDR technologies, in order to strengthen the security of your systems. Discover how these essential tools can transform your approach to cybersecurity.
David TOUZEAU - PreSales Manager France - Kaspersky
Tony AUDOIN - Head of Channel France - Kaspersky
- Salle Fourvière
Feedback on an XDR project with Microsoft Security & Devensys Cybersecurity
Find out how Afflelou beefed up its security by adopting Microsoft Security's XDR solutions, orchestrated by the expertise of Devensys Cybersecurity. This workshop will take you to the heart of their cyber transformation strategy. Analysis of the cyber transformation strategy: how Afflelou has adapted its security to a constantly changing threat environment. Product and partner selection: why Microsoft Security solutions were chosen, and how Devensys Cybersecurity emerged as the ideal partner for this metamorphosis. Stages of deployment and transformation: the challenges encountered, the solutions implemented and the key stages in a successful deployment. Looking back at tangible results: concrete benefits, improved security posture and significant risk reduction. Join us for a richly instructive session, and discover in concrete terms how to optimize your safety.
Guillaume TOURNE - Security Partner Security Specialist - Microsoft France
Alexandre MARGUERITE - Co-founder & managing director - Devensys Cybersecurity
Nadir BENRAMDANE - Almond outsourced CISO - Afflelou
- Salle Fourvière
Ransomware: prevention, detection and repair strategies
Small companies and mid caps are currently the main targets of cyber attacks by ransomware (34%), ahead of local authorities (24%) and strategic companies (10%), according to the figures in the “Panorama de la Cybermenace 2023” published at the beginning of the year by ANSSI. These are also the structures that are least prepared and least insured against cyber risks. This is a critical finding, given that ransomware attacks will have increased by 30% by 2023! Faced with these cyber-attacks, which can affect all sectors, bringing factories to a standstill over the long term and resulting in colossal operating losses that could even lead to the company going out of business, even the smallest companies need to take the threat seriously. From prevention and early detection to repair methods (restoring data and putting compromised systems back into service, etc.), put in place effective resilience strategies.
Rémi GRIVEL - President - CLUSIR Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Didier LAGE - RECyM Zonal Coordinator - Police Nationale
Guillaume SANTIAGO - CEO - Onlynnov
Patrick ABIVEN - Manager and co-founder - Apitech
Clémence PHILIPPE - Co-founder and Director of Operations - Examin
- Auditorium Confluence
SIDO Talks: a Cybersecurity keynote by... VOLVO Cybersecurity at Volvo: an integrated approach to IT/OT convergence
In a world where technology is evolving at breakneck speed, cyber security has become a major concern for businesses of all sizes. As a global manufacturer, Volvo is at the forefront of cyber risk management, adopting a site-wide security strategy that addresses the challenges posed by the convergence of traditional information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT). While IT/OT convergence offers considerable advantages in terms of operational efficiency and capacity for innovation, it also exposes businesses to new cyber risks. From integrating security into the design of its products and systems to promoting a culture of vigilance where every employee is trained to recognise and report suspicious activity, from using the IEC 62443 standard to structure its industrial cyber security approach to developing strategic partnerships with industry leaders, find out how Volvo is responding to these challenges and making an ongoing commitment to the security of its operations, employees and customers.
Bastien LAFORET - Vice President Digital Quality & Operations - Volvo Group
- Salle Carnot
How FPGA technology can help you comply with EU cyber-resilience law
This workshop will be an opportunity to discuss regulatory issues relating to security, and how FPGAs can help address this. Speakers will cover both the Cyber Resilience Act, post-quantum cryptography, as well as the US CNSA 2.0 algorithm suite and IEC 62443.
Eric SIVERTSON - Vice President, Security Business - Lattice Semiconductor
Franck PERRONNET - Regional Sales Manager France - Lattice Semiconductor
Thomas DESRIAC - Engineering Sales manager - Arrow
- Salle Fourvière
From safety challenges specific to industrial control systems, to IT/OT convergence
For a long time, cyber risks in the industrial world seemed to concern only sensitive sectors, such as energy or nuclear power. But a number of cyber-attacks have demonstrated the contrary: whatever the nature of operational networks and their fields of application, they can find themselves exposed to computer malicious acts at any time. This is all the more true now that connected industrial systems (CIS) are an integral part of the company's global information system (IS), increasing the surface area for attack. They are at the heart of the famous “IT/OT convergence”. In the context of industrial automation and all its associated constraints, what solutions can be deployed, and in what stages, in particular within the framework of IEC 62443, the essential standard for industrial cybersecurity?
Jean-Christophe MARPEAU - Consulting engineer - Cap'Tronic
Thierry ROUQUET - Vice-President - Digital League
Franck BONNARD - Connectivity and Cybersecurity Consultant for converged IT-OT environments - NXO - Adira
Hicham BEN HASSINE - CEO & CTO - AlgoSecure
Ludovic BENHAMOU - Security Engineer - Tenable
- Salle Carnot
From turbulence to stability: an innovative crisis management strategy
In our interconnected world, a crisis can quickly turn into a devastating storm. Crisis management has become a major challenge for every organization. A poorly managed crisis can trigger a devastating domino effect, bringing your operations to a standstill and inflicting major financial losses. In this workshop, we will highlight the risks associated with the absence of effective protocols, and underline the imperative of a rigorous methodology to meet these challenges. We will explore the three essential phases of crisis management: before (anticipation and preparation), during (rapid reaction and coordination) and after (learning and reinforcement). A live demonstration of Dream On Technology's innovative PanicSafe solution will illustrate how to turn critical situations into levers for improvement and operational efficiency. In addition, we will address the crucial issues of regulatory compliance, showing how effective crisis management enables you not only to comply with current standards, but also to anticipate future legislative developments.
Mickael MASSON - CEO - Dream On Technology
Christophe AUBERGER - Founder - Dianoia Conseil
Rémi ALLAIN - CTO - Dream On Technology
- Salle Fourvière
Trust, Risk and Security Management for AI
On average, more than 80% of artificial intelligence projects are not deployed, because decision-makers don't trust a “black box” whose reasoning they don't understand. Indeed, AI hallucinations are legion, which tends to prove them right for critical uses. One of the keys to the development of AI is therefore the emergence of explainability solutions that will establish trust in these tools. A great deal of work has already been done, and solutions are now beginning to emerge. The AI TRiSM (Trust, Risk and Security Management) approach, self-explanatory neural networks for deep learning... This round table will provide an overview of emerging solutions and their implementation in the field.
Philippe WIECZOREK - Innovation director - Minalogic
Stanislas CHESNAIS - CEO - Xpdeep
Yosra BARBIER - Regional Information Security Officer / CEFCYS Secretary - Allianz Partners / CEFCYS
Jonathan CAILLE - Technical Manager of the Cyber division's Command & Control product line - Sopra Steria